Aubrey Plaza Rewatches Parks & Rec, White Lotus, Ingrid Goes West & More | Vanity Fair

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025

Комментарии • 434

  • @timelessaldc4081
    @timelessaldc4081 5 месяцев назад +487

    She’s also currently SLAYING her role as Rio in Agatha all along!!!!

    • @adri.s.138
      @adri.s.138 4 месяца назад +13

      Lady Death in the house!

    • @bajablasthombre
      @bajablasthombre 4 месяца назад +9

      That show was like a rollercoaster of emotions and plot twists. Insane. Up there with Loki and WandaVision marvel shows

    • @SugarySiren
      @SugarySiren 3 месяца назад +8

      Her kissing Agatha was not on my 2024 bingo card but I loved it.

  • @louisrios5546
    @louisrios5546 Год назад +705

    11:16 When she talks about going back into the booth, that's for the new "Scott Pilgrim" animated series that they just started working on. They got nearly all of the original cast back together for it.

    • @Jaydoubleu72
      @Jaydoubleu72 Год назад +30

      Thanks, I didn't know what she was talking about but that's really cool!

    • @croissant2024
      @croissant2024 5 месяцев назад


    • @beatriz.hoffmann
      @beatriz.hoffmann 4 месяца назад

      i saw it and its AMAZING! refreshing and beyond expected

  • @trinaq
    @trinaq Год назад +2449

    I love Aubrey, I can't believe that she's almost 40 now, she still looks so youthful. "Ingrid goes West" is her most underrated project to date.

    • @janemary8339
      @janemary8339 Год назад +151

      You think 40 looks decrepit and beat down??😀

    • @macminia_anton
      @macminia_anton Год назад +5

      Yep. Next year she will be 40

    • @christianr5336
      @christianr5336 Год назад +71

      Wow. For some reason I always just associate her with being in her 20’s.

    • @addknees2050
      @addknees2050 Год назад

      @@janemary8339 l a pop pl0 C

    • @janeryder43
      @janeryder43 Год назад +13

      Watch Black bear tho!!! She is FANTASTIC. I love both

  • @A-G-A-G
    @A-G-A-G Год назад +1185

    Her drunk acting was one of the most convincing I’ve seen

    • @gennakale
      @gennakale Год назад +25

      My husband and I watched Black Bear last night and he looked over at me and said is she really drinking that whiskey? 😮

    • @cwg73160
      @cwg73160 Год назад +3

      That doesn’t have to be the only thing you’ve ever watched in your life. I could’ve said Big Bird on Sesame Street was the best TV actor in the world when I was very young, but I decided to watch other things.

    • @A-G-A-G
      @A-G-A-G Год назад +26

      @@cwg73160 wtf
      I didn’t say she was by any means the best actor full stop? I said best at acting DRUNK. I watch a wide range of stuff, stop jumping to conclusions

    • @cwg73160
      @cwg73160 Год назад

      @@A-G-A-G wtf
      I didn’t say you said she was by any means the best actor full stop? (Why did you use a question mark? You weren’t asking a question. Do you need help with how to use question marks?) I implied she was the only actor you’ve ever seen in your entire life. You don’t watch a wide range of stuff. Your comment is proof of that.
      Edit: In addition to question mark usage, you need help with reading comprehension.

    • @gennakale
      @gennakale Год назад

      Insulting someone's reading comprehension skills is rich when you're barely forming a coherent thought in these comments. @@cwg73160

  • @Hadouken65
    @Hadouken65 Год назад +1660

    I would love to get her and Lizzie in a room to discuss how relevant Ingrid Goes West is and continued to be

    • @sub-jec-tiv
      @sub-jec-tiv 5 месяцев назад +6

      My favorite of her performances. She nailed it

  • @thedarkknight2221
    @thedarkknight2221 Год назад +1500

    I love how Aubrey has a real life crush on Elizabeth; and who wouldn’t?

    • @JimmyRussle
      @JimmyRussle Год назад +57

      i have a crush on both of them!

    • @alexhaynes7220
      @alexhaynes7220 Год назад +11

      I did not know she is bi

    • @187420666es
      @187420666es Год назад

      You guys are weird fvcks 🤡🫵🤦🏾‍♂️

    • @ItzKhalifa310
      @ItzKhalifa310 5 месяцев назад +26

      And they both witches in the mcu now

    • @favm07
      @favm07 5 месяцев назад +4

      @@ItzKhalifa310 i hope they bring them two together on screen soon

  • @4lecz564
    @4lecz564 Год назад +155

    aubrey in the white lotus is seriously some of the best subtle acting ive seen on television, but generally goes for the whole cast in that show

  • @scpatl4now
    @scpatl4now Год назад +780

    You don't know Aubrey Plaza without seeing her in Legion. Her performance was EPIC!!! She was so wonderfully TWISTED

    • @lucyk310
      @lucyk310 Год назад +50

      She was for sure snubbed an Emmy for that role 😢

    • @JasonCairel
      @JasonCairel Год назад +8

      You got what the kids call MOXIE!

    • @erakfishfishfish
      @erakfishfishfish Год назад +50

      I’m a little bummed they didn’t cover that in the video even though the tape is on the table next to her. That show frustrated me too much, but she was incredible in it.

      @JDMimeTHEFIRST Год назад +1

      And tragic at the end. Ingrid Goes West was my favorite movie with her. Mike and Dave need Wedding Dates was funny, but I liked the range in IGW and Black Bear.
      Her character is White Lotus S2 was very relatable.

    • @Fakeaorta
      @Fakeaorta Год назад +2

      @@erakfishfishfish I feel like there was some mention of Legion, but that they deleted her review.

  • @SuperLovebug8
    @SuperLovebug8 Год назад +229

    she is amazing in everything shes ever done, and will do, but parks and rec will just be that one that sticks out and has my heart forever. Her humor is one of my favorites

  • @lenny_0323
    @lenny_0323 Год назад +336

    I like this video. Aubrey seems more relaxed than in other interviews I’ve seen her in. She can provide a real response rather than being her awkward (loveable) self 😂

    • @piperfan08
      @piperfan08 Год назад +10

      One thing I noted was that she’s doing her asmr hair thing which she claimed she does when she’s anxious and that just makes me love her more

    • @Solenne3
      @Solenne3 10 месяцев назад +5

      I'd call that hair twirling a form of stimming and stimming can be calming for us neurodivergent folks. Idk if she has any official diagnosis but Aubrey seems neurodivergent to me.

  • @im.m2118
    @im.m2118 Год назад +160

    “ How do you play drunk? “
    Aubrey: I do a lot of research.

  • @sanaspomu
    @sanaspomu Год назад +248

    I need aubrey and lizzie too be on screen together again

  • @itachiato
    @itachiato Год назад +76

    I just wanted to add that Aubrey was amazing in Legion. I don't think that role or even the show gets enough recognition.

    • @user-wi9jy7dx4i
      @user-wi9jy7dx4i Год назад +5

      When Harper was at her most chaotic there was some Lenny in there and I loved every second of it

  • @showbizroxs
    @showbizroxs Год назад +424

    Aubrey Plaza: "What did Chris Pratt do? Sonic the hedgehog?"
    I'm dead

    • @BI.goat15
      @BI.goat15 Год назад +7

      Apparently she's in talks for a role in sonic movie 3 now too😂

    • @CMac760
      @CMac760 Год назад +1

      I died too

    • @kiwi659
      @kiwi659 Год назад +9

      I completely forgot he did the Mario movie lmao

    • @yoonsungkuk3554
      @yoonsungkuk3554 Год назад +2


    • @Tyulenin
      @Tyulenin 8 месяцев назад

      the leak real

  • @NerdySage
    @NerdySage Год назад +88

    She’s Amazing. Can’t wait to see her in Agatha and hopefully have another scene with Elizabeth Olsen.

  • @Someone-fn3ij
    @Someone-fn3ij Год назад +97

    her criticizing the continuity is so relatable. sometimes i wonder how so many people watched the scene and still went with ittt. it itches my brain! lol

    • @salsa_slayer
      @salsa_slayer Год назад

      What does it mean

    • @renx81
      @renx81 2 месяца назад

      My guess is that sometimes these errors are just inevitable to cut the scene together without doing reshoots.

  • @NewTada
    @NewTada Год назад +61

    Need need need her deep diving into her filmography because I want to know what did she put herself through the filming of BLACK BEAR like whoa!

    • @brandonday2494
      @brandonday2494 Год назад +9

      Yeah the second act is quite an insanely great and scary performance in particular.

  • @MrAdam8485
    @MrAdam8485 Год назад +116

    There’s so many things not covered in this that I want to hear her talk about! Legion! Emily the Criminal! More Aubrey plz.

    • @erakfishfishfish
      @erakfishfishfish Год назад +1

      Agreed. My wife and I watched Emily the Criminal around the same time as Tár. It made for an interesting double feature.

    • @lukegallegos8523
      @lukegallegos8523 Год назад +3

      Yeah Emily the Criminal was very unexpected IMO. I thought there would be some dark humor but almost straight drama in which that character was so relatable. She's just ........

  • @ohitsme921
    @ohitsme921 Год назад +29

    “Go to bed!” Caught me so off guard. She’s watching us.

  • @kingkillproductions5739
    @kingkillproductions5739 Год назад +29

    ‘I have sense memory, and I do a lot of research’ 😂

  • @shelbsey
    @shelbsey Год назад +90

    "There was a different rhythm to those scenes, where it'd be like slow and quiet..."
    Me: *oh wow she's sounding really genuine here*
    "...and satanic"
    Me: *oh there she is*

  • @vanessabenonis8266
    @vanessabenonis8266 Год назад +86

    need a pt. 2 with legion, black bear, and little hours!

    • @reservoirdude92
      @reservoirdude92 Год назад +13

      The Little Hours is UNREASONABLY underrated. I haven’t laughed so hard at a comedy in ages before watching that one.

  • @ross-carlson
    @ross-carlson 2 месяца назад +14

    Was curious about her and just Googled her spouse - was shocked to see he JUST passed away, as in like 12 hours ago. Freaky timing - so very sad for her, I hope she's ok.

  • @foxtrotpink
    @foxtrotpink 5 месяцев назад +14

    funny how everyone is on marvel now, and playing some really big characters! ramona's actor ex is captain america and scott's ex is captain marvel, the girl ingrid is obsessed with is the scarlet witch, april's husband is star lord... and now aubrey herself is lady death

  • @Cheekysitch
    @Cheekysitch Год назад +124

    Aubrey casually decked out in chanel is everything

    • @sommelierofstench
      @sommelierofstench Год назад +5

      love to see a walking billboard 😎

    • @byfredAnyona
      @byfredAnyona Год назад

      it doesnt give walking billboard, its pretty chill

  • @marcha-849
    @marcha-849 2 месяца назад +4

    Her face lighting up as she talks about lizzy…we love u Aubrey

  • @rufarojunior
    @rufarojunior Год назад +166

    Aubrey is a force to be reckoned with and she’s underrated

    • @scouser2010ify
      @scouser2010ify Год назад +1

      She is underrated but I really believe she’ll get her recognition eventually she’s a true talent

    • @residentsteve
      @residentsteve Год назад

      She been in lots of rubbish so far hopefully one day something decent.

    • @Arnyh0ld
      @Arnyh0ld Год назад

      I don't think you know what underrated means.

    • @ACD1994
      @ACD1994 Год назад

      Not underrated

  • @riventrix1347
    @riventrix1347 2 месяца назад +1

    I could hear her talking forever, she is amazing in all her projects and i don’t what i will do once i finish watching all of them😭❤ She should be everywhere!!

  • @marcoscrespo7314
    @marcoscrespo7314 Год назад +44

    Love that she said Chris Pratt starred in Sonic 😂

    • @davionelliot
      @davionelliot Год назад +2

      Close yet so far away, she was in the ball park

  • @davidririe4111
    @davidririe4111 Год назад +42

    For me, The White Lotus was the best show I'd seen in like ten years. I can't listen to anybody involved with the show talk about it because I always find myself disagreeing with their interpretation of the characters.

  • @izzymccooey5972
    @izzymccooey5972 Год назад +104

    Scott pilgrim was such a special movie and she made it even more hilarious such a time

    • @virgilhawkins5680
      @virgilhawkins5680 Год назад +2

      I completely ◼️❕-ing agree.

    • @pjmlegrande
      @pjmlegrande 6 месяцев назад

      I thought she might’ve mention the Brit director, Edgar Wright, who makes interesting and sometimes hilarious films. He also has a great music sense.

  • @iZombits
    @iZombits Год назад +11

    Her character and acting on Legion was really impressive!! She was excellent in her role. I wish they talked about that one!

  • @kat66meow
    @kat66meow Год назад +16

    I love Aubrey! I didn’t really get into her until when I first saw the movie Life After Beth. I was hooked! She makes me laugh so hard. Her deadpan face and voice makes me laugh even harder. She is awesome. I love seeing her in interviews or when she shows up on a talk show. If you haven’t seen her on Seth Meyers last year, you must. She was dressed like a Witch because of the children’s book she was releasing. She is amazing!! 🖤😻🖤❌🖤

  • @lonnnna
    @lonnnna Год назад +33

    aubrey and elizabeth will forever have my heart

  • @chelseacanales8763
    @chelseacanales8763 Год назад +169

    I love her deadpan sense of humour; she, Jenna Ortega and Rebel Wilson should be in either in a movie or tv series or tv movie.

  • @Londoamerica
    @Londoamerica Год назад +18


  • @ardianworld777
    @ardianworld777 Год назад +79

    Her mom is Puerto Rican, that's why she's so lively and colorful

    • @makaveli8809
      @makaveli8809 Год назад +3

      Her father is Puerto Rican and mother is Irish I just watched an interview with her

    • @TookYaMan
      @TookYaMan 10 месяцев назад +7

      @@makaveli8809 lmao!! They were referencing what she said in Parks and Rec. 😭😭😭😅😅😅

    • @pjmlegrande
      @pjmlegrande 6 месяцев назад

      As she says, “spicy.”

  • @kittyfamtastic3534
    @kittyfamtastic3534 Год назад +4

    Why didn't they have her talk about playing Lenny in Legion?! That was one of her greatest roles to date!

  • @kateaday
    @kateaday Год назад +27

    "what is he in now? Sonic the hedgehog?" iconic

  • @SuperMikeAttack
    @SuperMikeAttack 5 месяцев назад +6

    This the most "normal" I have ever seen her. She's amazing

  • @Jaysnwla
    @Jaysnwla 4 месяца назад +3

    8:48 this is the realest thing ever 😂

  • @emmas4658
    @emmas4658 Год назад +4

    this is only one of these videos where ive watched every project listed. ill watch anything w aubrey plaza in it she makes everything 100x better!

  • @michellegonzalez5191
    @michellegonzalez5191 Год назад +9

    Ok, her telling me to go bed because she knows I need to put my phone away and sleep. Aubrey is everywhere.

  • @theegrumble
    @theegrumble 8 месяцев назад +2

    Aubrey is awesome. Sometimes when a 'You Tube' video is longer than the time i have to watch it. I'll speed it up a notch or two. Interesting is, i noticed how the pitch in Aubrey's voice really doesn't change that much. As most anybody else's does sped up.

  • @sonwukong001
    @sonwukong001 Год назад +24

    She was incredible in Legion!

    • @cr4823
      @cr4823 Год назад +1

      Yeah, but the cut off the part when she talks about Legion 😢

  • @sombrego2260
    @sombrego2260 5 месяцев назад +3

    It's a shame they didn't show her in Legion she played her character sooo incredibly well in Legion. Both funny, scary, unhinged. I loved her in that role so much!

  • @carazukowski9537
    @carazukowski9537 Год назад +13

    I need to search for if she has ever spoken in depth about her reoccurring role in Criminal Minds.

  • @shin_gx
    @shin_gx Год назад +11

    Surprised there's no Legion section in the video, she was so incredible in it

  • @paiwanhan
    @paiwanhan Год назад +13

    There's someone that went on to become a major MCU character in most of her projects.

    • @_bebeboudeur_
      @_bebeboudeur_ Год назад +5

      she's an undercover talent agent for Marvel (plot twist)

  • @concertence
    @concertence Год назад +1

    8:59 she is literally being April for a second there

  • @Sasfoot
    @Sasfoot 6 месяцев назад +6

    I might have to watch Ingrid Goes West. I love Elizabeth Olsen and never knew she did any project with Aubrey.

  • @maxxlipuma1325
    @maxxlipuma1325 Месяц назад +2

    Here in 2025 after her husband passed. RIP. She is a lovely lady and I wish her the best😞❤️🙏🏼

  • @princeoffriendship
    @princeoffriendship Год назад +2

    I'm so glad they included Scott Pilgrim! I wanted to see Legion too!

  • @michaelnolan6054
    @michaelnolan6054 4 месяца назад +1

    For the kids out there, those are VHS videotapes on the table. They were played on a steam powered machine that was the size of a suitcase and cost a thousand dollars new.

  • @TransDragon
    @TransDragon 3 месяца назад +1

    This woman just gets more and more beautiful with age 💚
    Noooooo! She was in Scott Pilgrim?!?!?!?! I've avoided watching that film for 14 years, none of the other actors in it could make me watch it but I'm going to have to now😭😭😭😭 I have to watch Parks and Rec too

  • @paradisedreamxo
    @paradisedreamxo Год назад +41

    I love her so much! I’d love to see her in a horror show like AHS

  • @amysprague4443
    @amysprague4443 Год назад +17

    everything she’s been in is a masterpiece just because she’s in it

  • @BooksBlogs23
    @BooksBlogs23 11 месяцев назад +2

    I really want to see her talk about her time on criminal minds. Cause her character on that show is iconic

  • @michaelsf89
    @michaelsf89 Год назад +7

    adore her, i want to see her in more amazing roles, she can play super comedic character and such dramatic takes also

  • @MusicLover-my6fo
    @MusicLover-my6fo Год назад +28

    I just can't shake the feeling that Ingrid Goes West is a sad movie in my opinion.

    • @MadCheshireHat
      @MadCheshireHat Год назад +9

      I looked it up because I thought I've seen it and I have... And I'm shocked that it's described as a comedy. I recall a sense of sadness or something. I don't associate it with laughter and lightheartedness.

  • @Greyscale.metric
    @Greyscale.metric Год назад +18

    I’m surprised you didn’t go over Emily The Criminal. Aubrey was amazing in it.

    • @jessickalush3305
      @jessickalush3305 Год назад +1

      It ruled. I'm actually watching it again today

  • @fernandoalvarez2500
    @fernandoalvarez2500 4 месяца назад +1

    I REALLY wanted her to talk about Life After Beth! Such a fun movie.

  • @ashleywaner1284
    @ashleywaner1284 Год назад +60

    so creepy. As I was watching this video I thought to myself, "this is my last video of the night, because I really need to get to bed." And Aubrey just told me to go to bed, it's like we are twin flames or something.

  • @deleteitrn2290
    @deleteitrn2290 5 месяцев назад +2

    aubrey plaza pleaseee never stop playing hot little freaks.

  • @rmannayr2129
    @rmannayr2129 Год назад +5


  • @cheeze_pizza
    @cheeze_pizza Год назад +2

    Kudos to the prop folks for including Last Action Hero in the VHS set

  • @KSonic28YT
    @KSonic28YT 4 месяца назад +1

    “What did he just do? Sonic the Hedgehog?”
    The fact that Chris was almost gonna be in the Sonic movie

  • @sheiswright6349
    @sheiswright6349 5 месяцев назад +1

    Can we just appreciate the understated/Chill FULL CHANEL OUTFIT👏🏽👏🏽❤❤

  • @SiljeHovDagsland
    @SiljeHovDagsland Год назад +5

    This was so delightful!

  • @beckilang
    @beckilang Год назад +1

    i think this is the most calm ive ever seen Aubrey

  • @berkc06
    @berkc06 Год назад +17

    Everyone loves Elizabeth Olsen ❤

  • @jimmygillard
    @jimmygillard Год назад +9

    Aubrey is amazing in Emily the Criminal. Great film.

  • @JustSomeCanadianGuy
    @JustSomeCanadianGuy Год назад +5

    One of those people where her entire career you can’t tell if she’s doing a character or not. 😂

  • @djdarden689
    @djdarden689 Год назад +5

    im so in love with this woman
    She’s just the best

  • @niecisays9458
    @niecisays9458 Год назад +5

    Love Aubrey, so interesting to see in any movie or show ❤ Definitely a fav but i Still haven’t watched Black Bear 😩

  • @pilot8220
    @pilot8220 Год назад +15

    Needs more Little Hours

  • @DanielJamesShirley
    @DanielJamesShirley Год назад +2

    What did Chris Pratt just do, sonic the hedgehog… 😂😂

  • @nyralotep
    @nyralotep Год назад +3

    Wow, no mention of Legion where she plays Lenny in just about every episode.

  • @brenthelton
    @brenthelton Год назад +9

    Aubrey Plaza is hilarious. Love her in Parks And Recreation.

  • @andiotrebac6583
    @andiotrebac6583 5 месяцев назад +1

    She has such iconic roles

  • @_bebeboudeur_
    @_bebeboudeur_ Год назад +4

    every person she acts with gets to be a super-hero (guardians of the galaxy, wanda vision, captain marvel)

  • @MrBearogre
    @MrBearogre Год назад

    Seeing you hugging Liz-O makes me remember that I heard you almost got cast as She-Hulk and as much as I love Maslany in the role... I wish you were She-Hulk!!!

  • @seleniwmet
    @seleniwmet Год назад +1

    i was just watching julia luie dreyfous ep and its just funny that they both notice the same thing about their voices after watching the first clip

  • @992dancer
    @992dancer 4 месяца назад

    Her performance in Legion should be included next round, she was incredible!

  • @LtFrankDrebin100
    @LtFrankDrebin100 Год назад +2

    Leaving out Aubrey’s performance in Legion is… a choice.
    She was levitating on Legion.

  • @mariabaillet
    @mariabaillet Год назад +3

    cant wait for the Scott Pilgrim animated series 🤗🤗

  • @mattsaracen7
    @mattsaracen7 Год назад +5

    Would have loved to see Blackbear or Emily the Criminal or Safety Not Guaranteed or The To Do List included in this video.

  • @belialren
    @belialren 4 месяца назад +1

    So I had this video playing at .75x and thought it was totally normal Aubrey being weird lmao

  • @LB_Symphony
    @LB_Symphony Год назад +6

    I swear she can Play Wednesday perfect or Wednesday lost sister. Aubrey has it

  • @jonathanhuerta7715
    @jonathanhuerta7715 Год назад +2

    I like her when she was on legion as lenny busker I like her character alot even through her character dies towards end of the series

  • @samanthamiller7267
    @samanthamiller7267 Год назад +4

    im in love with all of her normalities

  • @jamalcollier24
    @jamalcollier24 Год назад +1

    Didn't know that was her in scott pilgrim 😂😂😂😂😂

  • @owlampersand7993
    @owlampersand7993 8 месяцев назад

    She’s one my favorite actresses because her reality is so funny. A true artist!

  • @AspenAren
    @AspenAren 4 месяца назад

    I really wanted to see her talk about Legion!

  • @cornerstone2449
    @cornerstone2449 Год назад +1

    "Go to bed." Shes a mystic

  • @payskiiiii
    @payskiiiii Год назад +2

    she so real😂😂😂

  • @RobertMunro-wb6jb
    @RobertMunro-wb6jb Месяц назад

    Is that a selection of vhs tapes on the table ! She is perfection !

  • @gazorbo.
    @gazorbo. Год назад

    The VCR in close up is a JVC, the remote is a TOSHIBA !!!

  • @lamq05
    @lamq05 Год назад +4

    Where’s Legion!? Truly underrated as Lenny

  • @MoniqueAshlee
    @MoniqueAshlee Год назад +1

    What about The To Do List?!?!?! I've watched that movie so many times and is still one of my favourites!